Bicycle Coalition Youth Cycling
Philadelphia Bicycle Safety Training Event 2023
March 18, 2023 | Discovery Center Philadelphia
Big thanks to Malaku Mekonnen, then coach of Bicycle Coalition Youth Cycling (BCYC) who invited Joey p to present to his BCYC coaches at their Spring orientation and training session. Malaku shared that “…I feel that it's very important for the coaches to know for themselves and the youth who they will be guiding to have some basic but sound insights on what to do if anything happens out on the road concerning their legal rights...”
Empowering Coaches at Discovery Center Philadelphia
Coaches were extremely interested in the videos we presented illustrating cyclists encountering common bike v. car crash scenarios. They were eager to learn the best way to keep their student athletes safe while riding in the road. The setting for this Coach Training/Orientation took place at the very beautiful Discovery Cetner in Philadlephia. Thank you Malaku for the invite!
Photo Credit: BCYC